Having to run the gauntlet of 2 magpies on my morning commute from Gladesville to North Ryde I was interested in a colleague's suggestion that I try attaching a wig to my helmet - something she had seen a guy do on YouTube.

I tried this out this morning - a big black curly wig perched on my helmet - looking a bit like Sideshow Bob. Didn't see Magpie number 1 at all - Magpie number 2 was definitely there - making a great deal of protest noise in the bush - but he stayed away. 100% success even with this small sample size.

Looking forward to replicating the experiment tomorrow and happy to give my fellow road users a bit of a laugh.

By Smeagol


I'm taking part in the 2025 Woolies On Wheels 300-400km 3 day cycle ride on 4th May to raise money for the “Tour de Cure” cancer charity and really appreciate if you can please donate a small amount to support my ride for this very worthy cause?
Thank you, Jon Clark, MagpieAlert Founder

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